I’ve showed you pictures of my craptastic garage before, much to my embarassment. It’s pretty utilitarian, holding all the junk we can’t keep in the house. Check out how many changes it’s gone through over the years: Pre-Phase One. This was taken before we moved in, when we were still thinking of buying the house, […]
TRI for FUN #1 Spectator Report
Little Boy had a truly fantastic day on Sunday at his first triathlon for the season, knocking more than three minutes off his previous best time!! But rather than tell you all about it, I made a little movie for you: Don’t you LOVE this song?? Me, too! You can get it for yourself from […]
Vacation, All I Ever Wanted
IronHubs and I took the kiddos on a mini vacation for the last few days. We were only about three hours from home, so it wasn’t exotic or anything, but it sure was nice to get away. Vacations are sort of like Christmas decorations for me: the only thing I like better than going on […]
Easter Bunny Intervals
When you consider the lengths that IronHubs and I go through to spoil our kids on their birthdays (we built a maze in the backyard!) and other holidays, you’d think we were neglected as kids. We weren’t. We’re just crazy. Case in point: today’s Easter egg hunt involved a bike ride to various locations within […]
A Tale of Two Marathons (and a coupla 5Ks)
It was the best of weather and the worst of weather… Last Sunday dawned with temps in the 40s, pelting rain and 20+ mph winds. Not exactly the sort of weather a person dreams of running a marathon in, for sure, but IronHubs fought the good fight and finished strong. Today, we’re basking in the […]
A Little Weekend Fun
We woke up on Saturday morning and everybody went for a run, because that’s what we do for fun around here! Big Boy and Little Boy each went for a mile, I winced my way through two and IronHubs cranked out 12 (he’s tapering for two back-to-back marathons later this month). Later in the afternoon, […]
IronHubs and I have been married for almost 15 years, but sometimes he’s still a complete mystery to me. This morning, we got up at the crack of night to go swim, hoping to beat the crowds of holiday gym-goers. No luck, by the way, as we ended up sharing a lane because the others […]
Davis Stampede Half-Marathon: a Photo Spectator Report
Okay, now that we’ve heartily congratulated Patrick and Chris for their stellar performances this weekend and berated Christina Aguilera for her craptastic one, let me tell you about a race a little closer to me: IronHubs raced the Davis Stampede Half Marathon and turned in a spectacular top-20 finish!! Between the two of us, we’ve […]
Monday Miscellany
Monday is a rest day for me (from exercise – it tends to be busy with “real life” stuff), which means I don’t get a good head-clearing sweat session. Boo. Here are some of the things traipsing around in my brain: Today is the beginning of Week 2 of my Half-Iron training. Week 1 wasn’t […]
Good News and More Good News
Today has been chock full of good stuff and it’s not even 2 o’clock – I love it! I ran this morning! It was brief and it was slow, but it was almost pain-free, so I’m calling it a victory. I made it two miles at a …well, let’s call it a “relaxed” pace. My […]