Happy Monday! I’m linking up again with Tara at Running ‘n Reading for the Weekend Update – I hope you join in, too! CORSAGES As I mentioned last week, my boys were both invited to the Sadie Hawkins Winter Homecoming dance on Saturday night and I was overthinking the flowers. As I tend to do. […]
Finding My Limits – the Gold Rush 50K Race Report
Astute readers will have looked at that title and thought, “Hey, I thought you were running a 100K!” Yeah. Not so much. UltraIronHubs has this thing he says to me after a race doesn’t go exactly like I had hoped: Win or learn, there is no lose. And the good news is that I learned […]
Embracing the Suck
It’s been a month since the AR50 and I think I am finally, just now, almost fully recovered. It’s been a terrific month, full of very easy-paced (though I would argue, not easy) running and some lovely trail time with UltraIronHubs. Just this week, on one of my runs, my legs felt wonderful and fresh […]
Miners Revenge/That Damn Run – Long Run Report?
Well, it coulda-woulda-shoulda been a race report, had I not totally screwed up and missed the sign-up deadline! But, in a fun little turn of events, my long run on Sunday gets to serve as an incredibly belated race report from last October – hooray! And a bonus spectator report, because UIH was smart enough […]
Snapshot Saturday
Eighteen Miles. 1350′ of climbing. Fourteen water crossings (though none of them were actually deep enough to get my shoes wet!) Photo credit goes to UltraIronHubs, which is why they’re all of my backside. LOL! Okay, technically, this was more of a mud crossing, but I still counted it. Gorgeous wooden bridge. I didn’t count […]
Post-Race Blues – it’s a Thing.
I always forget how hard the week after a big race is. The first few days are so nice, with everybody congratulating you and other runners asking about the race and actually wanting to hear the gory details. Plus, you’re still so sore that going for a run is slightly less appealing than normal, so […]
American River 50 Mile Endurance Run – An Ultra (long) Race Report!
Alternate title: The One Where Pahla Learns to Let Shit Go. I’ve seen “Frozen” twice now, and I thought it was a pretty cute movie. I’m not a SuperFan by any means, but let me tell you, that song, “Let it Go” was pretty much my theme song for the day Saturday. Sometimes, even when […]
AR 50 Goals – or Lack Thereof
It’s here, it’s finally here!! The American River 50 Mile Endurance Run is tomorrow! I’m very excited and nervous and have been absolutely charming to everybody I’ve seen today. I feel very prepared for this race, which is something of an anomaly for me, but I’m enjoying the feeling. The hay is in the barn […]
Sunday Runday (in Photos)
I am not a fan of Daylight Saving Time. It’s not losing the hour of sleep so much, since I’m always losing sleep, but I hate losing an hour of running! I like to run early. Sometimes really early, but any kind of early will do. So not getting started until 8 am this morning […]
She Rocks the Trails 25K – Race Report!
If 2013 had gone according to plan, I would not have even run the She Rocks this year, after the terrible, awful, no good race I had last year. But, as it turned out, I’m super happy that I came back for the second annual, because it was probably my best and most favorite race […]