This morning, Big Boy and Little Boy raced a 5K called “My First 5K,” though it certainly wasn’t the first 5K for either of them. This race is super flat and really small (just under 500 participants) – a perfect race for beginners or kids. All bundled up and ready to cheer! I was wearing […]
Three (Million) Things Thursday
Holiday madness is in full swing in the P household, friends. I have so many things on my to-do list swirling around in my head, but I still wanted to pop in to Bloggyville and let you know what’s going on with me: 1. Winter is here! I braved a six-miler this morning (assemble Dad’s […]
Back to “Normal”
I spent this week recovering, but not entirely resting. I’m not a big fan of total rest, so I kept busy without knocking myself out: an easy spin on Wednesday, a slow and relaxed two-miler on Thursday, another spin on Friday and then I took yesterday off. By this morning, I was ready to go […]
Here’s what’s on my mind today: Number 1: Halloween wasn’t a big deal, but Thanksgiving kicked my ass. Seriously, I had no problem limiting the candy, even ignoring it for days on end. The stash is still barely half-eaten, sitting in a bag in the pantry and it doesn’t even call my name late in […]
Snapshot Sunday
When I woke up this morning, the clock said this: so I had a big ol’ cup of this: got dressed in this: and went for a long, beautiful, cold and hilly run on this: where I saw gorgeous scenery like this: “De. LISH!” is my two word mini-review for this: Right next to the […]
SILVERMAN Spectator Report
Okay, this is actually a recap of the entire weekend with about a bazillion pictures, so you might want to grab a snack before you get going on this post! We arrived in Lake Las Vegas Friday evening after a 9+ hour drive. Lake Las Vegas is a ritzy resort town and our hotel (The […]
Running with Little Boy
This morning I went out for an easy 3-miler. The weather was my idea of perfection: 50 degrees and a little cloudy from last night’s rain. I don’t have to work today, so I woke up cheerful and not feeling rushed to get my run in. Little Boy wanted to run with me and his […]
Random Ramblings
Things have gotten crazy around here. Taper-crazy, Ironman training-crazy, school-crazy, birthday-crazy, scheduling-crazy, you-name-it-crazy. Here’s what my life looks like right now: The Hubs’ work schedule changed this month to a late-night shift, which is ridiculously inconvenient for all of us. This shift means I can’t do any training in the early morning, because he’s gone, […]
Photo Spectator Reports
It’s a 2-for-1 day on Photo Spectator Reports, lucky you! Yesterday was a pretty crazy day for our family – Big Boy competed in his first middle school Cross Country meet (he ran hard and was happy with his performance, but didn’t place. Holy moly, some of those kids were smokin’ fast!) and The Hubs […]
A Day in the Life…
Beth over at Shut Up and Run! did a great post today, giving us a glimpse (okay, more than a glimpse, there was poop talk) into her life and asking her readers to do the same. Since I know you spend most of your day wondering about me (don’t you???), I’m happy to provide you […]
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