I have a hard time with long weekends. Not the weekend part, obviously, but the getting-back-to-reality-and-it’s-already-Tuesday part. I know I’m not alone on this, so I’m sure you’ll forgive my tardiness on this Monday Motivators post. Here’s how to play along if you’re interested – set a fitness goal for your week and then blog about it. Easy peasy, right? Right! And you don’t even have to have a baby or anything. (Good luck this week, Laura! I hope you totally kick your goal’s ass!)
So, how did everything shake down for me this week, with my singular goal of holding back?
Uhhhh, pretty good. My mileage was exactly where I wanted it! But I maybe might have just a little run sort of fast-ish. And I also ran a little bit too many days. But you know that old saying, One out of Three Ain’t Bad!
That’s not the saying? Well, it is now.
Here’s what happened: I love to run and running felt really, really good. So I ran. 🙂 I tried to hold back, I really did. Most of my runs at least started at an easy pace, but it just so happens that they all finished significantly faster. And I meant to only run four days, but then it was our anniversary and UltraIronHubs and I always go for a run together to celebrate, so there was a fifth day of running (to my credit, it was super short – 1.9 miles to celebrate 19 years).
![I love how you can tell my dog Blossom is looking at me lovingly. :) More like, "What the hell are you doing, mama?"](https://i1.wp.com/adventuresofanaverageathlete.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/2015-05-24-Anniversary-Run-with-UltraIronHubs-Adventures-of-an-Average-Athlete-006-e1432652690971-225x300.jpg?resize=225%2C300&ssl=1)
I love how you can tell my dog Blossom is looking at me lovingly. 🙂 More like, “What the hell are you doing, mama?”
I still feel fabulous – not tired, not overworked, not like I’m doing too much. So I am very encouraged by that progress! And I will set another goal this week of
- Hold back
I won’t make any promises about number of days or speed because apparently I can’t be trusted with those, but I will definitely keep my mileage down and grow conservatively. I feel good about meeting this goal!
I’m glad to hear you are feeling better. Congrats on a great week! It’s awesome you celebrated your anniversary with a run. I like the new look of your blog too! My goal this week is to continue working on strengthening my hips and run about 20 miles. Have a great week!
I don’t usually set weekly goals, and now that I’m in a “recovery” phase, I get to do what I want, within reason. So my legs get to take me where they want. Today, they wanted to fly. Felt great! My coach is starting a heavy lifting cycle before marathon training commences, so i guess I do have a goal of getting those hips back on the program again…
Well look at the slacker I am… Finally catching up on blogs and here’s one from Ollie’s birth week. Feels like forever ago! Thanks for playing along! One day perhaps I will start this up again.