Not to be confused with laying pipe… ;P
This morning’s workout was the most awesomest thing ever! Rather than doing a straight brick of bike miles and run miles, I broke it into smaller bricks and did them back to back to back. Here’s what I mean: I biked 8 miles, then I ran 2 miles, then I biked 8 more miles and ran 2 more miles, then I rode 8 MORE miles and ran a final 2 miles. It was such a great way to get through the distance!
Some highlights:
- This workout was super easy mentally because each section was such a short distance. I kept my mind focused on only the portion I was currently doing rather than the total (which would have been daunting in a regular brick).
- I was wearing the exact right clothing (Moving Comfort tank top, Terry bike skirt, and MoeBen sleeves for the first round on the bike because it was a little chilly). Not too hot, not too cold and no chafing = workout bliss.
- My legs are now TOAST – in that warm, buttery, delicious way that you get from working really hard. I will be rocking the compression tights all day today.
- I have literally never finished a run and hopped on my bike – it was a blast! I loved stretching my legs out and flying on the bike after running.
- I put on my iPod for the last run and rocked out to my latest guilty pleasure: Adam Lambert’s “If I Had You.” What can I say? I was a teenager in the 80s and have loved boys in makeup since Adam and the Ants.
- I put some Perpetuem in my Gatorade and felt full of energy for the whole ~2.5 hour workout – yay! – and as a bonus my stomach felt fine the whole time, too. I have more than my share of GI issues during long runs, so this is encouraging information as I head into marathon mileage.
- I spent well over half of my bike time in a full tuck! This is a huge accomplishment for me – the aero bars are still a little intimidating, but the more I practice on them, the easier they get (feel free to roll your eyes and say, “duh.” I know.)
Some “learning experiences”:
- My bike speeds were S L O W – ugh! Pedaling from aero position requires the use of previously ignored muscles.
- Since this was the first time I’d done stacking bricks, I started out conservatively on the bike…and then apparently stayed there. Now I know I can push it a little harder and still have something for the runs.
- Even though I started early (ha, ha! Not 3:30 early, just a normal early, like 6 o’clock), by the time I made my third loop on the bike, there was lots of traffic and lots of red lights. I got plenty of unclipping experience today, for sure! This probably also contributed to my low average bike speeds.
- It was cool and breezy this morning so I never felt very sweaty. I still thought I was drinking plenty of fluid, but my post-workout weigh-in showed a number I haven’t seen since 8th grade – oops! I’m drinking water now, don’t worry.
Break it down:
Bike 7.73 miles @ |
17.0 mph |
Run 2.06 miles @ |
8:10 pace |
Bike 7.74 miles @ |
17.1 mph |
Run 2.06 miles @ |
8:11 pace |
Bike 7.99 miles @ |
16.6 mph (OUCH!) |
Run 2.06 miles @ |
7:46 pace (Holy smokes!) |
TOTAL BIKE: 23.46 miles @ |
16.9 mph |
TOTAL RUN: 6.18 miles @ |
8:02 pace |
I think it’s safe to say that I am thrilled with these numbers. The average run pace is faster than my 10K PR! This is definitely a workout format I’ll use again in the future. Do you have a favorite workout, one that makes you feel like a rock star??
Aw, congratulations on a successful multi-brick workout! Whoo hoo! I’m thrilled to hear the gear worked out perfectly.
Great job!
I always dread hard intervals except when I’m done 🙂
Sounds like an awesome workout. And there is no tri in my future. I am so not a swimmer, at all! But I love reading about others!
Because you paced the bike conservatively, it loosed up your legs without nuking them = faster running times!
I am at a point right now where I can only run fast off of the bike; otherwise I need about 4 miles of running to warm me up.
Nice job with the bricks! I like how you stacked them and broke them down into smaller sections!
Way to go – you’re so fast! Your early morning workout inspired me to do the same today. So nice to get it done and out of the way first thing.
I love this idea, totally trying soon. Great job!
Damn, you are a rock star! I think that your shorter bricks would be something that I could totally handle. I am still searching for the perfect bike:) Reading posts like your’s get me excited for running and biking! Awesome job on your mini brick workouts!
Nice workout! YOu were/are smokin’!! Very inspiring.
This is such an awesome idea! I am totally stealing it and giving you none of the credit!:)Your times were stellar, too!
Waht a great workout! I might try something similar sometime.