- Don’t drown. (Yes, I know I switched to the duathlon and will not be swimming, but not drowning is always a goal of mine)
- Don’t crash my bike.
- Treat the day like a training day, because I’m certainly not racing this silly thing!
- Walk my bike on the big hills, even though there are a ton of them. (Sub-goal: actually be on my bike for more than two-thirds of the bike course)
- Beat the bike course cut-off time, which means averaging over 12 mph.
- Beat the run course cut-off time, which means averaging faster than a 13 minute mile pace.
- Even if I gotta come in with the course-sweepers, beat the overall race cutoff time of 8 hours and 30 minutes.
- Keep smiling, keep moving forward.
I LOVE your goals. Especially the first two that almost made me spit out my coffee from laughing. You’re awesome.
Good luck!!
Have fun – rock the celebration. you’ve got this now go and surprise yourself.
Great goals. Good luck P!
Love # 1 and 2. It’s always good to aim not to hurt, maim or kill yourself in a race. And #3 I’ll be using myself today.
Wow. Just read the Duathlon course. Even that sounds pretty ambitious, and it sounds like you can totally do it! Rock on, P!
Those sound like good goals. Are there usually bike cut off times? I looked on the website to see if there were some in the one I want to do and I cant find any. That would be a big fear of mine. I bet you will do great.
Good luck!!!
great goals, And acheivable! cant wait to hear how you do! sounds like you are going to have a blast!
nice goals
I like #8.
Relentless forward motion is always my motto. Whether it is running, walking, or crawling on my hands and knees…RFM.
So your posts are not coming through to my reader…grrr…I will fiddle and let you know if it solves the problem. Just wanted to let you know.
Also – love the new layout! It’s my favorite so far!