Let me give away the ending by telling you that this was not my fastest 10 miles – not by a longshot! – but it was easily one of my favorite races of all time. Why? Well, lemme tell you all about it: Our story actually begins many, many months ago when UltraIronHubs was trolling […]
Confessions of a Newbie Trail Runner
I am nothing if not pigheaded and stubborn doggedly determined. After last week’s less-than-stellar showing at the She Rocks the Trails race, I decided that trail running is my new “thing.” I can and will and must turn myself into the sort of runner who can go up and down steep hills, leap over rocks […]
She Rocks the Trails 25K–Race Report!
I’ve been running for several years now, and I think I’ve pretty much got the hang of it. I’ve run quite a few races and had such a great racing season in 2011 that I PR’d pretty much everything I ran. I guess you could say I was getting a little confident in my abilities, […]
AR 50–Rabbit Report
“Here comes P with her cotton tail… Hoppin’ down the AR50 trail…” Technically, my title was pacer, but what with the cute song, the tie-in with Easter and the fact that this was a totally “hare-brained” idea, I’m going with a rabbit theme here. Work with me. IronHubs decided last year – somewhere in the […]