I went to Fleet Feet on Tuesday to see if getting some new shoes will help my IT issues. The extremely friendly and helpful worker – Alex – analyzed my gait and let me try on about a bajillion shoes. It made me feel good that, upon looking at the wear of my last pair, […]
The Good News and the Not-as-Good News
Good News: My IT is feeling much, much better. My pigeons are getting deeper and I can hold them longer. I no longer curse at the foam roller (well, not out loud, but sometimes still a little in my head). In fact, over the weekend, I was feeling so good I thought I’d go for […]
Thank Heavens I’m Exercising Friday! *crickets chirping* Okay, you know what? Sometimes I’m not clever. In fact, most days I have to settle for “mildly amusing.” I rode my bike today!! Yay!! It was a very short and slow ride which ordinarily wouldn’t have been blog-worthy at all. Ah, but today I’ll regale you with […]
The 18-Miler That Wasn’t
I had some real dread going into Sunday’s long run. For me, 18 miles is where the rubber meets the road, where the boys are separated from the men and where I have traditionally fallen apart in training. (Wow, psych myself out much??) I’ve trained for three marathons and encountered more than my fair share […]