**WARNING!** If you are squeamish reading about bodily functions, you are going to want to skip this post! Or, at the very least, scroll down to the very end where I cross the finish line with a smile on my face. Your choice. But don’t say you haven’t been warned. I’m gonna gloss over my […]
CIM–Love Letter, Race Report and Dire Warning all in One!
Consider yourself warned: This is a tale of triumph, certainly, but I exhibit so much stupidity, stubbornness and downright foolhardiness on the way to said triumph that you are likely to find yourself quite frustrated with this post! Dear California International Marathon, I love you. I’ve run your beautiful tree-lined course three years in a […]
IMAZ – an IronSherpa Report
I am almost caught up on vacation laundry, so I figured I really ought to get this spectator report written… IronMan Arizona was an absolutely amazing event, even as “just” a spectator. IronHubs’ training cycle had gone exceptionally well and he was ready to throw down an awesome day. We loaded up Big Boy and […]
Miner’s Ravine 5K–Race Report
Oh, man, what a morning! My 5K was a tiny little race (202 participants), but it ran the gamut for dramatic moments. We should’ve had Jim McKay there announcing, “Spanning Central California to bring you the constant variety of sport…the thrill of victory…the agony of defeat…the human drama of athletic competition…This is the Miner’s Ravine […]
The HIT IV–Photo Spectator Report
IronHubs competed in the TBF Racing Half Iron Triathlon today and, needless to say, completely ROCKED his race! This was his second half-iron distance race – he did the HIT III last year with similarly spectacular results. Here’s our day in pictures: Pre-race selfie from a strange angle. I’m covered in sunblock, wearing our family […]
TRI for KIDS and TRI for REAL Spectator Report
This was one heck of a weekend for the P family. No sooner had the dust cleared on my final duathlon of the summer than we were back at Rancho Seco for two more races – Little Boy competed in the TRI for KIDS series championships and IronHubs did the TRI for REAL Olympic distance. […]
DU for FUN #3–Race Report!
Let me tell you the (only mildly) disappointing news first: no PR. Everything else about the day was awesome, though, and I’m super, super happy with the race and the results. Here’s the whole story, complete with pictures and video, thanks to my 11-year old cameraman. Pre-Race Honestly, I spent most of Friday so wrapped […]
TRI for KIDS #2 Spectator Report
Yes, it was another big weekend in the P household – after my race on Saturday, I got to get up early on Sunday and do it all again (though thankfully as a spectator)! Big Boy and Little Boy both raced the TRI for KIDS #2 and both of them turned in huge PR performances! […]
DU for FUN #2! Race Report!
Yes, even the title has exclamation points today – my day was THAT! GOOD! But that’s all the spoiler you’re going to get…here’s the report: PRE-RACE I slept about as well as I ever do before a race where I have big expectations, which is to say, barely at all. I had set my alarm […]
Run 4 Independence–Race Report
What, you didn’t know I was running a 10K this weekend?? Yeah, neither did I! On Thursday morning, IronHubs mentioned the Run 4 Independence – this is a race one or the other of us has participated in for the last four years, and it’s practically in my back yard – and was saying how […]