The alternate title here should be, How the Hell is it the End of February Already? I swear I was just runfessing for January the other day. Feel free to join my girl Marcia with your runfessions on the last Friday of the month – it’s good for your soles!
The alternate alternate title for today’s runfessions is, Stupid Stuff that Worries Me, Even Though it’s Stupid.
Runfession #1 – I’ve been running a lot of miles with clients lately (I’ve told you about that), and the thing that bothers me about it is that I never have anything to post on Instagram. Seriously. It bugs me. And maybe it’s because I’m a teeny, tiny bit jealous of all the people I follow who seem to post sweaty selfies every day. I wanna post sweaty selfies every day! {stomps foot and pouts}
Runfession #2 – I didn’t blog this week. This one has been weighing on my other soul. I’ve got a lot of balls in the air right now and made the conscious choice to let this one drop for a few days, but I don’t like it. I enjoy blogging! So. I’m taking a look at the other balls and seeing which other one I might leave on the floor for the time being.
Runfession #3 – You know what else I didn’t do this week? Sleep. And let me be clear, I’m only telling you this story so you can judge me and feel a whole lot better about the state of your mental health. You’re welcome. On Tuesday evening, I was very nearly done with the dinner dishes when I felt a rushing of water at my feet. I opened up the cabinet to find a mini flood – yikes! Something had gone kerplooey with the pipes or hoses or something under there. And that is the extent of my knowledge of plumbing. I pulled everything out and sopped up the mess with towels and left it there for UltraIronHubs to deal with in the morning, because I was pretty much tapped out in the “what do I do now” department. I went to bed because I had to, but those dirty dishes and all the junk from under the sink were haunting me. I couldn’t rest. Wednesday morning dawned, and the task of fixing the sink was thankfully within the scope of UIH’s ability, but not the amount of time he had available. So the dirty dishes SAT. THERE. Mocking me. I was a complete neurotic mess. I couldn’t sleep. I didn’t want to eat. I couldn’t even go into the kitchen. Thank goodness UIH had the time on Thursday to do the repairs. Needless to say, I spent the rest of the day scrubbing. I don’t really think of myself as a clean freak, but at least the “freak” part has now been confirmed.
Runfession #4 – I am running a 50K on Sunday. I don’t feel particularly well-trained for this race, but that’s not new for me, so I’m still pretty chill. But you know what I am nervous about? My kids have a track meet tomorrow and I am giddy with excitement and nerves about it! I hope they do well. They’re winding themselves up about it, so I’m trying really hard to at least sound relaxed when we’re talking about their events or the times that they’re hoping for. I think I’m pulling it off.
I feel so much better now that I’ve runfessed! How about you, what are your runfessions??
HoHo Runs says
OK, I so vote for your alternate title – because that would be me! I runfess that I don’t take selfies because I’ve decided they look…geriatric. I’m just not Kardashian enough.
Marcia says
Do you know how many selfies end up on the proverbial cutting room floor here? That’s why I shoot mostly nature shots. At least it’s pretty. Ha! I had a reaaallly bad experience with a plumbing co. I hired them because they sent me a calendar with a different plumber featured each month. Mr. December showed up at my door. And he did horses&*! work. Ok I digress. Go kill that 50k my friend! Thanks for linking up!
Taking the Long Way Home says
Wow!!!! A 50k? You’ve been so quiet about it. Good luck, my friend, and let me know how it goes!!!
Laura says
I runfess: I didn’t run. Just like ALWAYS. It’s going to be a painful (and by painful I slow and frustrating and, well, probably painful) transition back post baby.
PahlaB says
Thanks Wendy!! ๐
PahlaB says
That’s why I was SO glad that my husband could fix it! I hate calling in workers, I think they’re all crap. Though the name Mr. December makes you at least think he’d be cute. ๐
PahlaB says
LOL!! I think it’s a good thing you’re not a Kardashian. Blech! And that’s what filters are for. They help a little with the “geriatric.”
Run, Hare, Run says
Oh man, the mess in the kitchen sounds just awful. What a terrible thing to wake up to.
Good luck on the 50k! I’m looking forward to reading about it.
Mary says
Goodluck on your 50k! I’m envious you are so relaxed about not feeling prepared! I would freak.out!
Andrea says
No one in the Northeast is saying, “Where did February go?” It has been the longest short month ever.