I swam 1200 meters today and it took me 30 minutes and 9 seconds, a 2:30/100 pace. Do you know anybody else in the world who swims this slow??? Neither do I. Okay, maybe there are people in the world who swim this slow, but as far as I can tell, nobody else is admitting […]
Photo Spectator Report – The Hubs’ Oly!
I love the early morning sights on race days! Of course we arrived early to get his pick of the bike racks. It was still dark but already pretty busy in the transition area. Not only did every single spot on the racks fill up, but some people had to lean their bikes against trees […]
Stacking Bricks
Not to be confused with laying pipe… ;P This morning’s workout was the most awesomest thing ever! Rather than doing a straight brick of bike miles and run miles, I broke it into smaller bricks and did them back to back to back. Here’s what I mean: I biked 8 miles, then I ran 2 […]
Windows of Opportunity
I am a planner, a control freak and pretty much an altogether un-spontaneous sort of girl most of the time. But lately, circumstances are conspiring against my well-laid plans. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing. In fact, I’m sure it’s good for me to jump right through when a window of opportunity opens up. WoO […]
TRI for KIDS Photo Spectator Report
A gorgeous start to a fantastic day, for sure! We arrived early and had our pick of the bike racks. Later, they were completely full. Body Marking. I seriously love the smell of those pens! Ready to rock ‘n roll! Big Boy’s swim start – yeah, he took a foot in the face […]
2nd TRI for FUN Race Report
I am not a girl who can stand suspense, so let me tell you now that today ROCKED! I didn’t drown, I didn’t puke, The Hubs got a great photo of me on Mr. Bike, I finished on my feet, AND I went kayak-free! Check, check, check, check and CHECK! Here’s how it all went […]
Five Goals Friday
Seriously, if you thought I was going into tomorrow’s race goal-free, you’re reading the wrong blog! 1. Don’t drown. This is always my goal, even at running races. I really, really don’t want to drown. 2. Don’t puke. Sometimes this one is tricky to manage, but I’ll go out on a limb and hope for […]
Holy Swim Speed, Batman!
Alrighty, let’s clear this up right from the get-go: my swim was NOT fast in the traditional sense of, you know, fastness. But it was way fast for me, and that’s all I care about! I haven’t been in the pool since last Tuesday and I have a race in just three short days. Does […]
Whatchu Got?
Patrick and Kovas made me do it, I swear. The thing about running or triathlon-ing is, the more you do it, the more gear you “need.” Suddenly, the garage that used to be full of cars is full of bikes, and the shoe rack of high heels is replaced with boxes of Newtons. These are […]
Off Track
This past week, I’ve been completely off-schedule, off track and just plain “off” with all of my training. (and, really, my whole life, but that’s not the point of this blog!) Last Friday, I drove with my mom, my sister and my kids to Arizona for my cousin’s funeral. 28 total hours of driving in […]