First, thank you all for coming to my pity party the other day. I know they’re not much fun to attend, but everyone throws them once in awhile, right?? I really appreciate all of your kind thoughts!
I’m all done feeling sorry for myself now and I’ve made a final decision about Sunday’s race: I’m still doing it, but I’m switching to the duathlon. I stewed worried obsessed thought a lot about what to do, and there were a couple of things that I kept going over and over in my mind:
- Even though I’m not fully trained for the distance, I have been training with this distance in mind.
- That hill was really, really, really hard, but it’s arguably the hardest part of the whole bike leg. If I can make it past Mile 3, the rest will probably seem easy!
- Since I’m nowhere near trained for the run distance, I already have a plan in place for “rulking.” Why wouldn’t I just make the same sort of plan for the bike leg and walk up the toughest hills?
- There’s no shame in walking my bike, but I would feel ashamed of quitting the race.
- I already paid *mumble mumble* hundred dollars for this race.
- Not only do I have to earn the Ho-Hos, but they expire on May 27th.
And, really, the Ho-Hos clinched the deal.
Allow me to explain: after a really big race, I get to eat something I would never in a million years eat otherwise. My marathon treat was a Costco poppy seed muffin – you know, those ones that are as big as your head and probably have something like 85 grams of fat. When IronHubs finished Silverman, he double-fisted Lucky Charms and Twinkies. For this race, I decided a few weeks ago that I wanted Ho-Hos and IronHubs went out and bought them. And hung them up in our kitchen as a nice little daily reminder of why exactly I get my butt out there and train.
The thing is, none of the redemption races I looked at were big enough to earn the Ho-Hos. It was WTH or nothing and no fricken way was I letting those Ho-Hos go bad!
So, I’m putting on my big girl pants and I’m gonna go kick ass at a long course duathlon. I feel strangely optimistic about this weekend, giddy even. I have a plan of attack and Ho-Hos waiting for me at the finish line – life is good!
I love the ho hos hanging in the kitchen. Those wouldn’t get me out the door. I used to love Little Debbie oatmeal cookies. Those might get me through the bike portion. I am going to have to think about this. I need something to inspire me to actually register for the duathlon I keep talking about. Once I register I will do it but I can’t commit yet. I am a baby. By Sunday night I will march forward with my credit card in hand.
I love the ho-hos…I never eat that stuff ;)..but my hubby brought home some ding-dongs recently and I can’t put them out of my mind!
Heck ya, you’re going to kick some major ass!!!! I’m so glad you made this decision!!!! WOOT!
OMG! I LOVE THAT IDEA!!!!! Genius. i’m totally going to do that for my marathon!
Good luck with your race!!!!!
Way to persevere!! I’ve never had ho-ho’s but I’ve had a similar thing called swiss cake rolls.
You had me at Ho-Ho. That’s awesome!! I’m so proud you decided to go for it. You wil do great, and your right no shame in walking in the race or the bike, at least you are out there which is waayyy more than most people. You will earn those Ho-Hos for sure! Can’t wait to hear how it goes!
Looks like all the guests have been kicked from your pity party and you’re ready to go again. Keep those Ho-Hos in eyesight – like the carrot in front of the donkey.
I would want a box, not a package chased with a half gallon of milk – real milk, not skim nor 1%
Nothing like a good HoHo! You’re gonna do great! Go rock that race!
Maybe you could rig something on your helmet to dangle the ho ho’s in front of you as you climb the hill. 🙂 You are going to be so awesome! You can do it!
I love it! Now go forth and earn those ho hos. 🙂
When I first started reading this post I wanted to comment and say, “Yay! I knew you could do it! Walking your bike is totally absolutely 100% okay!” But instead I have decided to say something more important, “Your marathon day TREAT was a muffin?!?! Please…”
I should tell you that when I did Muddy Buddy a couple years ago I fell off my bike about 10 feet after the start line. I then proceeded to walk my bike through about 90% of the first leg. You’re golden.
What a great idea! I wonder what I can hang from my kitchen cabinet that will keep my butt in gear for my July sprint tri and my July wedding….I do love me some HoHos.
Go! Go! Go! ‘Nuff said.
There you go! I knew you’d get here, it was just a matter of when. I think the tantrums are just part of the process. Go out there and kill it. Rulk, walk the bike who cares? You’re gonna do it and youre gonna be great! HoHos are the total bomb!
Ho-ho’s have an expiration date? I think you need more than one package.
It sounds like you came up with the perfect solution, P. Glad you’re still going the race and I look forward to hearing about it!
I’m all about the fried chicken! Yum!