I won’t keep you in suspense for the results: today sucked nuts. No PR. In fact, there were several times during the race that I was worried about a DNF – ack! I’m throwing myself a little Pity Party this afternoon and hey, you’re invited! When I got up this morning at 5:30, it was […]
OWS and Race Goals
I had the most awesomest, fan-freakin-tastical Open Water Swim today! And not a moment too soon, since my tri is just a week away and I was seriously wondering if I was gonna be able to pull it off. As soon as I got in the water today, I felt great. I simply didn’t let […]
I {heart} Speedwork!
Yes, you read that correctly, I love speedwork! Up until now, you might have been able to pass me off as just a little nutty, but that phrase sits me squarely in the bat-crap crazy category. It’s okay, I already knew. I woke up this morning to much cooler temps – hallelujah! – and I […]
What’s So Special about Today’s Run? Nothing.
I went for a four-mile run today. There was absolutely nothing awe-inspiring, breathtaking, or thought-provoking about it. I ran, I did my distance, and then I was done. As runs go, it was a real worker bee: nameless, featureless, going about its business of keeping my heart and lungs healthy and then, its job done, […]
Long Run Day
Well, after all the preparation for yesterday’s brick, today’s long run seemed like a pretty half-a$$ed affair. Yesterday afternoon was spent in the sun and the pool, we had pizza for dinner and I think I had maybe one glass of water all day – yikes! But I was up and at ’em nice and […]
Easy Run Day
First, let me tell you about the latest giveaway I entered (because I LOVE these things!): Running with Whit is the Hostess with the Mostest for this one, and it’s for the book Delivering Happiness (link takes you to Amazon.com to read all about it). Entry is easy as pie, and you don’t even have […]
Long Run
I hope you have some cheese handy, because I’m about to whine… Oh my goodness, it was HOT on my run this morning! A quick disclaimer here, I am a complete and absolute weenie about any sort of heat while running. In my “real” life, I’m a summer girl – give me a bikini and […]
A Honkin’ Great Day!
Happy National Running Day to you! I celebrated by…not running, but pretty much everything else. What a loser, huh? 🙂 My training plan called for a bike/swim day, though, plus I had a scheduled strength training session, so there was no way I was gonna squeeze in a run on top of all that. The […]
Easy run? Not so easy today…
I had one of those runs this morning where I just wasn’t feeling the love. Much as I enjoy running, there are some days that I absolutely slog through the miles, and today was that sort of day. I went through the usual excuses in my head: it’s a little windy, it’s pretty warm out, […]
Long Run Day
Ahhh, Sunday. My favorite day because it’s Long Run Day!! I love a good long run. Sometimes I even love a crappy long run. Well, let’s be honest, I just love to run.Today’s long run wasn’t really all that long (8 miles) so I decided to see what I’ve got, speed-wise and I was pleasantly […]