Well, of course I am, it’s right there in the title of my blog! Many of you probably saw Darlene’s post earlier this week – I was so intrigued by it, I decided to steal it. Ha, ha! Actually, I hope you will, too, I’d love to see your responses.
I did not include the male profile here, but you can find it if you follow the website link. According to Running USA (runningusa.org): The following female and male runner snapshots represent “core runners”, that is, active adult participants who tend to enter running events, train year-round, and purchase 2-4 running shoes each year.:
Average Age: 38.5 – I passed that a few years ago!
63.2% Married – Yep
78.2% College educated – Yes, with a degree I don’t use
70.3% Earn a household income of $75,000+ – It’s not really saying much in today’s economy, but yes, somebody in our house makes this much money. Hint – it’s not me
Running History:
Average number of years running: 9.9 years – Not quite, but I’m coming up on five years next month
Average number of running events participated in during the last 12 months: 7.2 events – Hmm, running only? I’d say less than that for me. But average number of races is somewhere around 8 – 10 per year.
51.8% have completed 1 marathon or more in their lifetime – Woo hoo – training for number 6 right now!
Running Routine:
70.4% Run 4+ hours each week – No, not until peak marathon training. But I do a LOT of cross-training, so if we’re counting how many hours of exercise per week I’m way over four.
77.7% run 12 months a year – Fer sher. There is no off-season!
Average number of days run per week: 4.0 – Not usually. I prefer to run just three days, but my current training plan has four days a week. We’ll see how that works out for me.
Average number of miles run per week: 21.9 – Any other year besides this (injury-recovery) year, that would be true. I’m working my way back up to 20 mile weeks right now.
66.1% describe themselves as ‘Frequent/Fitness Runners’ – Absolutely!
Running Preferences:
Favorite race distance is the Half-Marathon (39.0%) – I’m not really sure if I have a favorite distance. I like to race halfs, but I really like to train for fulls. And nothing feels better than busting out a fast 5K. Can I say “All of the Above”??
Interested in entering next year: – Most years I do at least one of each. So, again, I’ll go with “All of the Above.”
Half-Marathon (77.0%)
5K (57.3%)
10K (56.0%)
Marathon (43.3%)
Primary motivation to start running:
For Exercise (25.0%) – Sort of.
Weight Concerns (14.5%) – This was definitely my main goal.
Needed a New Challenge (9.3%) – I didn’t use to think I liked challenges. Isn’t that funny??
Motivation to continue to run: I notice “Training for a PR” isn’t on this list, but it would be my first choice.
Staying in Shape (76.8%) – Yes
Staying Healthy (74.2%) – Yes
Relieving Stress (64.4%) – Yes
Product Preferences:
Average number of running shoes purchased in last 12 months: 2.9 pairs – Just two for me – a pair of Newtons and a pair of Vibrams
Last running shoes purchased:
ASICS (26.4%) – I’ve never worn Asics
Brooks (16.6%) – I’ve never worn Brooks, though IronHubs is a devoted fan
Saucony (14.2%) – I had one pair one time and they were the heaviest shoes I’ve ever worn
65.3% spent $90+ on their running shoes –Yes, and sometimes a whole lot more!
47.9% purchased their running shoes at a specialty running store – Yes, I love shopping at FleetFeet!
Favorite brands of running apparel: My two favorite brands, RunningSkirts and SkirtSports, didn’t make this list. Bummer.
Nike (64.8%) – I have a few things, a pair of capris and some shorts
Under Armour (45.7%) – I’ve never bought UA brand, I don’t like the way it fits me
Champion (34.3%) – I have several C9 by Champion things from Target – can’t beat the price!
Adidas (30.7%) – I think I have one or two Adidas shirts
80.4% spent $100+ on running apparel in the last 12 months – I refuse to answer this question on the grounds that I might incriminate myself…
59.6% purchased running apparel at a specialty running store – I buy some stuff at Sports Chalet (because it’s close to my house), but most of my purchases are online, usually from Runningwarehouse.
Average Weight: 137.6 lbs – Way less
Average Height: 65.01 inches – I’m a little taller, maybe an inch. If I’m standing up really, really straight.
Average Body Mass Index (BMI): 22.9 – Less
40.9% are content with their weight – I’m very happy with my weight.
42.3% are content with their fitness level – What’s that saying, “happy but not satisfied”? My fitness level is terrific, but I’m always reaching for more.
Well, there you have it, bloggy friends! It looks like I’m just about as average as the next person. How average are YOU??
ajh says
I should copy this.
Can I ask why you run 3 days a week? I am wondering if I should do less. I currently run 5 and bike 3.
I have also done 5 marathons but none for me this year. I like halves but really really loved the 10 miler I did this year.
The Jesse says
this was fun to read. i only run three days a week too, my body just prefers it better that way {mainly my shins} but i hope to someday be able to run 4 days a week again … we’ll see.
i might have to copy this for future use 🙂
thanks for sharing!!!
Running Ricig says
I LOVE these posts 🙂
Teamarcia says
I’m a 3x a week runner too, I always say I’m gonna add a 4th day but I never do, don’t fix what ain’t broke right?
JenWa098 says
Last half I trained 3 days per week, this time I am running 4. I like running 4. I feel “stronger”. But that could be because I have a few more months under my belt, then the number of days I run. Hmmmmm. But I do like 4.
Colleen says
This is super interesting. It was fun to see where I stack up against being average! 😉 Thanks for sharing!
Tortuga_Runner says
Thanks for sharing the link. I am a little less than average, but am well on my way. Going to go ahead and steal this for tomorrow.
track coach and adorable wife says
That was fun! If I was actually running, I would totally do it! I especially don’t want to answer the weight questions right now!
ratherthecouch says
Don’t let those survey results fool you! You are FAR from average!